
Showing posts from October, 2021


 The Restaurant business is set for a revolution in technology but could there be looming problems? Having new technology like mobile phone ordering and tracking, ordering kiosks, custom mobile apps, table location using cell phones, online only ordering and a host of other technologies designed specifically for improving the customer experience sounds like a great idea... but are they? The rise and rise of the restaurant and eatery since 2007 is wonderful and everyone loves to eat in them. But there are a substantial number of potential customers that cannot use those technologies no matter how they try. And it's not really their fault! There is no doubt that technology can improve customers experience. There is a substantial percentage of customers that are not at all savvy with using technology and that is a problem. Consider that the value of fast food restaurants in the UK in 2017 for fast food including takeaways alone was a massive £5.1 Billion but adding up across the whole

Benefits Of Installing Composite Doors At Home

 The doors of your home are used frequently on a daily basis . These doors keep you safe when they are secured, but most people do not pay close attention to the type of doors that are installed in their homes. The truth about doors is not all types offer the same level of quality and security. In fact, some are very fragile that they can be destroyed with one forceful push. For homeowners who want to add protection without giving up style and taste, Solidor doors are the perfect option. Here are some of the benefits of this type of door that will help you decide whether it is worth it or not: 1 - Strong And Durable This specific type of door is known for its strength and durability. Thanks to the multi-layered composition along with its insulating foam core and heavy-duty outer frame it is perfect for use in any residential home, no matter the external environmental factors. The door's composition provides the ultimate combination of resilience, strength, and protection, everythin